Even when they use people from other orginizations that have vendettas against people?
I am saying this because a company here.com was annoyed with one of our members and its employee for exposing criminal defamation against former employees. They would spread lies and defame former employees in order to cause them hard. He exposed this in an indirect manner, making them think that he was a victim of some opression, when he was simply fed up with the hypocrisy and intimidation that was talking place. Perhaps that orginization is too much like the witnessess.
So a sister, Christine Kingston, would accept lies about this brother from a here employee, d. rhoda, about this brother which involved illegal wiretaps made of this activities. The elders did nothing about it. In fact one special elder, named Rolf N, who had spent 7 months in brooklyn (probably was exposed as a good for nothing there, because he would only say could not get a green card and had to leave the country - lies obviously - and in anyone knows about this one in the 90s coming from germany to brookly I would dearly like to know the truth, please let us know) knew about t his and gave his blessing.
What are these people, Gods to decide what is right and what is wrong? Why are they witholding evidence?
I now have a problem because my wife was selected to inform this brother indirectly of what was going on and how the congregation approved of this illegal activity. He was taken all legal means, even asking my fellow employees and gymnasiums that I go to in Berlin to peddle Pearson ELT products about my conduct and all I can do is lie about the terrible clandestine illegal things that we have done. And all this is approved of and even encouraged.